VAWG Consultation: Summary of recommendations
This a summary of the recommendations made by CAAGe to the Home Office consultation: "Tackling violence against women and girls. The plan for 2021 to 2024".
CAAGe hopes to influence the strategy, and submitted a detailed response.
Although it was tempting to say 'Make adult grooming illegal', we do not feel that that grooming is yet well enough understood, creating difficulties in legislation. Instead, we have focussed on the issues that could affect the outcome for people who have been groomed, and set in place changes that will further our cause.
This is a summary of of the recommendations made by CAAGe:
1. Policy Change
VAWG should, as the name suggests, be about women and girls.
Transitioning and trans people, and men, deserve a separate strategy addressing their particular needs.
Work with Google for technical solutions to certain abuses of its system
Working with the Ann Craft Trust on safeguarding adults in sport
2. Structural Change to Policing
Restructuring policing
Support and better mental health provision for police officers
Summary dismissal of offending police officers
Addressing access to justice
More female judges
Review of social services provision
Support for women’s refuges
Support of professional organisations to ensure registration of professionals and removal of all who fail to meet standards inc solicitors, counsellors, etc
3. Training
Training for police and judges
Training for teachers and heads
Providing guides to victims for reporting and producing evidence
Training of journalists for reporting VAWG correctly
4. Legal Change
A review of misuse of the law to target and silence victims
Automatic exclusion from ALL Universities for men who rape on campus
Protection for whistle blowers
Review of Rape by Deception laws
Obligatory, supervised training for offenders
Regulation of dating sites and of intermediary professions including agencies for modelling, acting, musicians, etc
Accountability and evidence cooperation of social media sites
5. Awareness Campaigns
Consent - more than a cup of tea
Staying safe on social media
Awareness of different types of counselling
6. Research areas
Examine how solicitors are held to account
Research into the penal system and reoffence
Why taxi drivers offend
Religion and VAWG
Protection for women in small businesses and startups
Disability and VAWG
The dark web
VAWG response [link broken]
If you have been affected by grooming, CAAGe would welcome your anonymous response to our research survey: click here to find out more.