Website Terms and Conditions:

These are the terms and conditions for (this website - the campaign against adult grooming)

These are the terms and conditions relating to your use of this website and any branded microsites/social media spaces. The terms apply whatever user device you use to access it - you will be deemed to have agreed to them when you use the site, email us, register details etc.

  • The terms apply whatever user device you use to access it - you will be deemed to have agreed to them when you use the site, email us, register details etc.

  • This document applies to all pages and posts hosted on Using the website constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions from your first use of the site.

  • The website is intended for use by UK residents in relation to their activities within the UK, although others are welcome to view it, and we hope you’ll find it genuinely useful.

  • If you want to complain about anything posted or an issue with the site’s functions, please contact us.

  • These terms do not seek to exclude any liability which it is not lawful to exclude either now or in the future.

  • These terms and conditions form the entire agreement between you CAAGE and supersede all other communication, whether electronic or written, with CAAGe.

  • We may make changes these terms periodically.  Using this site following their publication will constitute acceptance of the changes. If you disagree with any changes to the terms, your only remedy is to stop using the site.

You can print off these terms/download for future reference. Please read them carefully.

Our content is aimed at adults and may be triggering for some users, If you are under 18, we recommend that you consider carefully before accessing the information here.


This site,, is made available by CAAGe, a volunteer organisation, subject to the following terms and conditions. We may update it periodically to reflect any changes to our work and our status as an organisation.

If you do not wish to be legally bound by all of its terms, please do not access/use

The website is designed to provide information for people who want support after adult grooming, their family and friends, and people who want to understand adult grooming.

We support various campaigns by other organisations whose aims align with ours. Whilst we may support them via this website, CAAGe is not liable for the nature of their campaigns.

CAAGe is a volunteer organisation and is not liable for pages/posts hosted by other organisations which we link to: whilst we create these links in good faith and in the belief that they will be useful for our site users, their privacy policies may differ and their content may move or change. (We encourage you to let us know of any issues). We accept no liability for any statements, information, products or services that are published on, or are accessible through, such websites.

Users are solely responsible for evaluating the accuracy/completeness of information contained on such third party websites, and should reassure themselves of the value and integrity of any goods/services they offer.


First and foremost, you agree to use this site only for lawful purposes, and in a way that does not infringe any third party’s rights, restrict their use, or prevent their access to, and enjoyment of, the site.

Without notice and in our absolute discretion, we may permanently or temporarily terminate, suspend or deny your access to (the campaign site). This is our legal right under these terms and conditions. (Obviously we’ll seek to give notice and/or explain if possible/appropriate.)


Where we refer to content in these terms and conditions, we include all media or software on the site, including any downloads.

At any time without notice, at our absolute discretion, we may remove or edit any content on the Site. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the site and its campaigners/operators/authors have no liability to you whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from such removal (or editing) or any restriction or hindrance to your use of the site and its functions.

Although we strive to ensure that our own high standards are met, and take reasonable steps to verify, we cannot fully vet information in blogs which are submitted to us. We therefore do not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of this information. Responsibility for these lies with the author.

Although we would never knowingly publish anything misleading, we cannot be responsible for any inaccuracies, omissions or misleading, false or deceptive statement in the content. You must take advice and take appropriate measures to check before relying upon it.

If you find any factual inaccuracies in the content, you should contact us explaining clearly why you feel it is inaccurate, providing appropriate references where possible, and such information will usually be checked and changed if appropriate.

If you disagree with opinions, you are encouraged to comment. You must respond only to the content and refrain from attacking any author or person who has expressed the opinion, any individual mentioned, or inciting anyone else to do so.

The decision has been taken, subject to legalities, to name offenders on this site, provided that we are able to verify the story’s accuracy from more than one source. Despite the fact that named groomeers have shown no such respect or consideration for their targets, publishing bears no malice or intention to harass or discomfort those individuals beyond leaving a digital footprint to warn future victims. They have a right to go about their business unmolested, and no claims are made with regard to their suitability, or lack thereof, for any role or employment.  The whole point of this site is that grooming adults, whilst we find it morally repugnant, is often not illegal.

Please do not take the law into your own hands. Rather, take the actions suggested on this site in the forms of petitions and letter writing, positive action, media exposure and legal protest to bring about change, and we encourage you to share content in order to raise awareness.


The site is run by passionate volunteers who wish to see more justice for the adult victims of grooming.

Many of our readers have been left vulnerable by their experiences.

To this end, you may use a pseudonym if responding, and names may be changed to protect people, but you must categorically not provide any false information nor impersonate another person when registering to receive content or supply information or commenting.

We highly recommend that when using CAAGe,org that you do not publicly disclose personal contact details (telephone numbers, postal addresses or emails) and that you use an alias if revealing your name will put you in danger. Our privacy statement covers how we use your personal data both on the site and when contacting us for support. Where we use third parties to provide services this may involve transfer of your personal data outside of the EEA.  

Should CAAge, however, find ourselves faced with a legal obligation to disclose your contact   information/other material, you agree to take no action against CAAGe. (Please rest assured that this would not be done without thorough checks and legal advice, and where possible you would be advised.)

Stay safe

Stay safe first and foremost. Don’t put yourself or others at risk if and when you reveal identities.

Adult victims of (sexual) grooming have no protection under UK law, unless another crime is committed. Groomers, however, do have a legal right not to be harassed. Make sure you understand what harassment is and use pseudonyms if necessary to protect yourself from prosecution and them from harassment.

If you register for anything on the site, make sure you keep your password safe.

We will keep your data safe, and use it only in accordance with what we tell you at the point you register. We are, like everyone, making our best efforts to stay GDPR compliant.

Play nice!!

If you interact with this site, stay legal and don’t ruin anyone else’s use and enjoyment.

Importantly, you must not upload any material or link to any material which is untrue/false, fraudulent, misleading, obscene, offensive, abusive or in breach of the law or other people’s rights.

Remember, we may refuse, remove or suspend your registration/material at any time. Without warning.

You must not knowingly transmit any data, send or upload any material that contains viruses or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.

Intellectual Property

We own all intellectual property rights in the site including the content, except where specifically indicated.

Legally: when you come to the site, we grant you a temporary, non-exclusive limited, and revocable licence to access, browse and use it. (From the heart: thank you for your visit.)

The license isn't transferable.

We have left our content open for use under a creative commons license, but please note that our logo is subject to copyright.

Using our content

Creative Commons Licence

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

There are details to be had by following the link, but basically you can use the content if you attribute it fully and appropriately. We would be grateful for a link back to the source, which allows visitors to this site and we can see where content has been used.

For any other use, or if you're unsure, please contact us.

However, you may not download or print content or extracts in a systematic or regular manner (or similar) in order to create a full database of site content in any form or modify/adapt to create derivative works.

If you wish to syndicate or licence any content please contact us.

Some information and images have been published on this site with the permission of the relevant copyright owners (who are not CAAGe). All rights are reserved on these documents and permission to copy or publish them must be requested from the copyright owners. (Where this applies, sources are normally indicated.) You must not reproduce in any way any information and/or material appearing on CAAGe which infringes the Intellectual Property of third parties (other people, not CAAGe).

Our information is for the use of the general public, but copying it verbatim anywhere online will reduce the effectiveness of both sites when it comes to people finding us, so please refrain

Commercial use or publication of any item displayed on this website is strictly prohibited without prior authorisation CAAGe.

Submitting Content

We welcome content from third parties who we trust and recommend that authors contact us before supplying material for publication. We reserve the right to refuse to publish any submitted content and to edit content. Any accompanying images supplied should be free of copyright restrictions.

If you submit articles, blog posts, images or other content to us, you agree:

  • that the work is your own original work and that you own the copyright and any other relevant rights;

  • to grant us a royalty free, worldwide, perpetual license to use, copy, distribute, publish, republish, store, archive, syndicate, sub-license, transmit, adapt, edit, create derivative works from, perform, exercise publicity and copyright rights in relation to such material (including any ideas, concepts or formats) in any manner and in any format and/or media;

  • to waive your 'moral rights';

  • that we may disclose your identity to any third party making any claim or assertion of any kind in relation to your material;

  • the work may not be obscene, threatening, menacing, offensive, defamatory, abusive, in breach of confidence, in breach of any intellectual property right (including copyright) or otherwise reach or violates any law, regulation or code

  • that you are responsible for it - you shall indemnify us and keep us fully indemnified against any third party liabilities, claims, costs, loss or damage we incur as a result of publishing material you submit to us, including consequential losses. We accept no liability for any content submitted by you or other users and third parties.

  • We may choose to publish or not publish any material you submit to us and exercise our rights in relation to that material at our absolute discretion.

To discuss submitting an article to this site, please read the guidelines and contact us.

Any content you upload to the Website, or provide to us to upload, will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. You retain all ownership rights in the content, but agree to grant CAAGe  a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to use the content on the website. This includes storing, copying and making the content available to third parties.

You remain responsible for your content and will be responsible for any costs and/or losses which CAAGe suffers as a result of it, including, but not limited to, legal fees and damages.

CAAGe has the right to remove any content if, in our opinion, it does not comply with these terms and conditions.     


This site is here for the benefit of its users, some of whom will have experienced trauma. Please be respectful of this.

  • We do not vet or pre-screen comments but reserve the right to remove, at any time (without reason, prior notice or liability) any materials submitted by you or other users and third parties.

  • You must not violate the privacy or other personal rights of others.

  • If posting comments, you must not post anything that could be reasonably seen as abusive, ageist, crude, defamatory, discriminatory, dishonest, extremist, false, fraudulent,hateful, homophobic, obscene, offensive, pornographic, racist, sexist, threatening, unlawful or vulgar.

  • You must not encourage or incite violence, lawbreaking, or hateful behaviour. This means that you also must not use this site to harass or stalk. It also means that, although we allow aliases to ensure people’s safety, you may not impersonate someone else.

  • You must not infringe the copyright, trademarks or other intellectual property rights of third parties.

  • We further reserve the right to prevent posting by certain individuals.

  • Any commercial posting without prior approval will be removed and the author banned.    

The same standards apply to links and images as to written comments.

If you disagree with another person’s comments or content, reply to the content whilst remaining respectful to the author.

The CAAGe site makes every effort to be a safe, useful and inclusive place for its users. If you post or send offensive, inappropriate or objectionable content to or anywhere on the CAAGe website or otherwise engage in any disruptive behaviour on the site, we reserve the right to use your personal information to put a stop to such behaviour. If we reasonably believe that you are or may be in breach of any of the laws of England, Northern Ireland, Wales or Scotland, we may use your personal information to inform relevant third parties such as your employer, internet provider or law enforcement agencies about both the content and your behaviour. We will provide aggrieved parties with copies of such postings to support legal action wherever possible.

Any communications on or via this site, in any public area of the site, including, but not limited to, comments, data and information, questions or suggestions will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary information. The exceptions to this include our data gathering for research purposes. (By contrast, both our telephone helpline and our research questionnaires are completely confidential and outside of the scope of web usage.)

Third party links

This site contains hypertext links to third party websites, which we add to try and make the site useful for the reader.

We are not responsible for these third party websites or their content. If you decide to  follow links to third party websites, you do so entirely at your own risk.

A link is not an endorsement.

We do not accept payment for any such links.

Advertising and Sponsorship

We reserve the right to start to accept advertising and sponsorship in future.

Such advertisers and sponsors will be solely responsible for ensuring that any material submitted for inclusion complies with all laws and regulations, and does not contain any objectionable material including (without limit) anything defamatory, obscene, threatening or false. Although obviously we’ll do our best to ensure they don’t happen, we cannot be held responsible for their material, or errors or inaccuracies contained in such material.

Any issues which you may have should be raised directly with the relevant advertiser or sponsor,  (and we’d be grateful if you let us know too).

The content of our articles is never influenced by advertisers or affiliates, nor are they written for the purpose of promoting a product. In the unlikely event we were to accept such content, it would, in any case, be clearly marked. Our readers need and deserve honesty from us.

Calling us

You are in control.

This service is confidential. When you call us as CAAGe, the person on the other end of the phone may note the name you wish to be known by on the call.

Unless agreed otherwise, any notes made to assist with the call will be destroyed and no electronic records are kept. It is alright to ask for no notes to be made.

Call handlers are trained, informed volunteers who will refer you to appropriate sources of help and help you to decide what actions you wish to take - if any. If they can’t immediately recommend things, they may, with your permission and at a time that suits you, call you back or email you with further information.

This service does not replace formal legal advice or counselling, and before taking any actions discussed you should assure yourself that the actions feel right for you and are within the law where you live.

Site Availability

As volunteers, we are unable to offer any warranty or guarantee relating to availability of site and/or our operation of it, that the content or the server that makes the site available are error or virus free, or free of other harmful components although we are hosted on a secure site and take appropriate security measures.

We also can’t guarantee that we’ll have no interruptions. We cannot be responsible - under any circumstances  - for any amount or kind of loss or damage, including - without limitation - direct, indirect, punitive or consequential loss or damages, or any anticipated loss of profit, loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of data, costs and fines and/or any special or incidental damages of any kind) that may result to you or a third party arising from this.

If you breach these terms you will indemnify us , our data providers and any future affiliates, on demand, against all claims or liability whatsoever (including costs, proceedings, demands, losses, damages, expenses - including legal expenses) arising directly or indirectly as a result of:

  • any breach of these terms by you;

  • your fault, negligence or breach of statutory duty;

  • your use of software robots, spiders, crawlers, or similar data gathering and extraction tools;

  • any other action you take that places unreasonable burden or load on our infrastructure (whoever owned by)

Limitation of liability

We will not be liable for your use of this site, actions taken as a result of information found on this site, or any inability to access it.

We shall not be liable to you for any delay in providing services, particularly as we are a volunteer service.

We do not seek to exclude any liability which may not be excluded by law. These terms do not exclude or limit any of your consumer rights. 

This site is appropriate and available for use in the UK. We do not represent that it is appropriate or available for use in any other jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom.  

CAAGe will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages (even if foreseeable) whether based on contract, tort or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law. This includes, but is not limited, to liability for:

-            loss of data

-            loss of profits

-            the provision of services

-            the failure to provide services

-            any information obtained through the Website

-            any goods, materials and services obtained

-            issues arising out of your use of the Website.

English Law

These terms are governed by English law, and you and we agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.  (If you live in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales, you may choose for the laws and courts of that country to apply.) Any contractual or legal relationships with you will be in English (UK).

If the whole or any part of any provision of these terms is, or becomes, invalid, void or unenforceable for any reason, this shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions.

Any waiver of any breach of these terms will not constitute a waiver of any other prior or subsequent breach.

Our rights and remedies are independent, cumulative and without prejudice to rights under the law.

Breaching the terms

If you breach any of the terms for use of this site, you will be responsible to CAAGe for any resulting losses and costs.

Any failure of CAAGe to exercise/enforce any of its rights under these terms and conditions may not be considered a waiver of any such rights.

If you wish to use information from this site, please consider making a donation to support our growth.