CAAGe looks at some of the terminology and concepts surrounding grooming and abuse
A manipulative technique to keep someone interested in a relationship, usually with no intention of seeing it through: Breadcrumbing
No, not the real fishing type, but people adopting a false persona - not always for bad reasons, we agree, but way too often with bad intent: Catfishing
Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender - a tactic commonly used when abusers (groomers) are caught out: DARVO
Gaslighting is a consciously manipulative technique of making the target/victim doubt their own version/understanding of events to support the perpetrators own agenda:
Human trafficking (AKA trafficking in persons)involves compelling or coercing a person to provide labour or services, or to engage in commercial sex acts.
Their are at least 25 types of known human trafficking.
Victim Support has put together a useful booklet (first 2 pages are blank), What is an ISVA?
Maybe the new love in your life wants to shower you with flattery and gifts because they can.
But it can also be a tactic used by groomers to blind us to what’s really going on: