The Campaign Against Adult Grooming (CAAGe) Blog

Grooming is NOT a Normal Activity
Have we all been groomed? CAAGe argues that grooming is far from 'normal' and we should not confuse the term with the tactics that are used to achieve it

Why do groomers groom?
Why do adult groomers groom? CAAGe takes a look at research results after the first year.

Sex with a Narcissist
Wendy Gregory talks about what to expect from sex with a narcissist, and reminds us to take our own power back.

Book Review: What Lies Behind the Curtain
A CAAGe review of What Lies Behind the Curtain, by Claire Gray (Twitter: @clairegauthor)

Appealing a PIN
CAAGe sample letter to help appeal a PIN (Police Information Notice/Early Harassment Notice)