police jackets

How to Series

How to: Involve the police

This section is developing slowly, but we hope what’s here can at least poit you in the right direction.

Never be afraid to call or email us, and we’ll do our best to get back in touch quickly.

  • Taking notes

    Getting evidence to/reporting to the police

    There are very few guides out there to tell you, as a victim, how to get the police to listen.

    To that end we’ve created a short guide to getting together evidence to present to the police: Preparing evidence

    Over time, we hope to interview and get advice from people who have very successfully got the police to pay attention and got their cases into court - these are the people with best hints and tips, so watch this space!.

  • Arrest the PIN image

    How to appeal a PIN

    PIN’s (Police Information Notices) were a tool that was commonly used against grooming victims for having blown the cover of their groomer.

    The practise has been pretty much stamped out, but if you still have a PIN on your record, this could help remove it.

    Appealing a PIN

Sources of Support